Photovoltaic Global Policy全球光伏市场分析
作者:Rainy Yuan 
        Australia has the best solar resource in the world, 80% of Australia have the illumination of more than 2000kw/㎡/hour. Under the same condition, the cost of solar power in Australia is nearly half of the cost in Germany. So ,it is the main and most potential market in the world.
        澳大利亚拥有世界第一的光照资源, 80%以上的国土光照强度超过 2000kw/m2/hour, 系统成本相同的情况下, 澳大利亚光伏发电的成本几乎只有德国光伏发电成本的一半. 澳大利亚具有成为世界主要光伏市场的潜力.

        Australia government started to carry out Solar Homes and Communities Plan (SHCP) in 2000, and subsidized to roof-top systems of 1.5KW.
        利亚政府启动了光伏扶植项目 ( Solar Homes and Communities Plan, SHCP), 向1.5kw的光伏发电系统提供最高8000AUD的补贴.

        Starting from 2007 July, Australia started a project called Renewable Remote Power Generation Program, RRPGP. Provi - ding 50% system subsidy, but this project was ended in June 2009 except west Australia. Afterwards, Australia established Solar Credit Program system, which means, every MW generated by solar energy company will get RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATION.
        In the meanwhile, CO2 generated companies have to purchase RECs, otherwise will be fined.
        2007年7月启动偏远地区可再生发电项目 (Renewable Remote Power Generation Program, RRPGP), 提供50%系统成本补贴, 但是此项目于2009年6月除西澳外停止申请. 后澳洲推出Solar Credit Program系统, 及光伏能源公司每产生1MW的电量就获得一个